Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When Forums Need More Than One Grade

We have two separate grades for one total assignment. The assignment: Post a Report and then Post a Peer Review of Another Student's Report. Report gets a grade of 12 points, a Peer Review gets a grade of 4 points.

I read a post in the Moodle Forums that says to create a hidden forum for the second grade. I thought this meant I would have to log into each student's profile and post as them so that we could assign a grade to each posting. Not true! Here is how to make this work:

1. Have your forum the way you want it (for us, each student post a single discussion topic and the peer reviews are posted as replies) - out of 12 points
2. Create a hidden forum for the second grade you want to set it up for (I called them Lesson X Peer Review Grade) - out of 4 points
***make sure that your instructors have the permissions to manually input grades into the grader report
3. Have your instructors manually input the grades for the hidden forum - it still shows up for the student under their grade sheet
**hint: make sure they turn editing on (the button in the upper right corner)

Student.......Lesson X Forum....Lesson X Peer Review Grade...Lesson X+1 Forum...Lesson X+1 Peer Review
Jane Doe.....12..........................4.............................................12..............................4

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Excel Tip of the Day

Excel can be difficult and confusion when you know you want to do something and you just need to figure out how to do it.

I was tasked to create a spreadsheet for time management between our multiple grants. As such, there would be multiple sets of data to go through. Now, if we typed a task under Grant 1 we wanted it to auto tabulate 12 minutes. If nothing was entered, then 0 minutes.

I found several functions that were close but not quite. What I wanted was an IF function that was basically: if I type text in, then 12, if not, then 0. After a couple of hours of searching I finally was able to create my own.

=IF(ISTEXT(cell number you want to "test"), 12, 0)

This reads: if there is text in "test" cell, then auto fill 12, if not, 0.

I hope this helps someone!